SSSP Research Registry

Research Registry

The SSSP Research Registry integrates members and SSSP funded research activities into a coherent story focusing on methodology and research results. This Research Registry is an integral part of the Society's efforts "to advance basic and applied scientific research, disseminate research findings to broad audiences, and foster communication about the specialty of school psychology."


Our intended audience includes those interested in school psychology research; members of SSSP and non-member affiliates including graduate students and researchers from related disciplines like special education, clinical psychology, and speech and language therapy. To learn about the purpose, content, access, and use of the SSSP Research Registry continue reading.

The SSSP Research Registry has three purposes:

  • Facilitate communication among active researchers in school psychology by posting information about their program(s) of research, unpublished research tools, and emerging methods;
  • Facilitate access to research materials and possible collaborations for developing researchers, in particular, graduate students in school psychology and related disciplines; and
  • Communicate the breadth and depth of school psychology research to persons interested in the field.

The content to be registered covers two areas and includes information about:

  • People – members of SSSP and affiliates with SSSP (e.g., non-members who are university faculty, research scientists, scientist/practitioners, & graduate students in a school psychology program)
  • Members' of research programs – brief narrative descriptions (150-200 words) of research programs that are keyed to a topical taxonomy that is compatible with organizers commonly used in our discipline. If extant data sets are available for subsequent research, it should be indicated.

How do you get access to the information in the registry and submit material to the SSSP Research Registry?

Access to search the site is unrestricted. All postings to the registry, however, must be screened to preserve the integrity of the site. Only SSSP members and graduate students in school psychology programs have permission to post information within the registry.  To post information in the registry, contact Ryan J. Kettler at [email protected].

How do you use the Research Registry?

To access information in any section, you can simply go to the index for each section or you can conduct a search using topic descriptors (e.g., broader descriptors like assessment, consultation, intervention or narrower descriptors like cognitive abilities testing, conjoint behavioral consultation) or the name of the researcher.


Notice. Individuals posting content in the Research Registry are responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the information posted. Misrepresentation or falsification of information is considered professional misconduct. Authors who wish to post a pre-publication manuscript or a copyrighted article on their Registry Program of Research page should consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition) particularly Section 8.05, pages 237-239.


Cecil Reynolds
Texas A and M University
Assessment, Behavior
Assessment, Cognitive
Assessment, Neuropsychology
Emanuel Mason
Northeastern University
Cognitive developmental
Developmental Psychology
Culturally responsive practice
International test development and use
Matthew Burns
University of Missouri-Columbia
Establishing the effectiveness of Incremental Rehearsal, then identify the causal mechanism.
Intervention, Academic
Stacy Overstreet
Tulane University
This line of research focuses on the impact of disasters on youth and the development of interventions for disaster exposed youth.
Ecological theory.
Stacy Overstreet
Tulane University
This line of research examines the impact of community violence on youth development, including mental health and academic functioning.
Ecological theory.
Violence, school and community
Stephen N. Elliott
Arizona State University
Development and validation of inclusive academic assessment s in reading and math for students with disabilities in grades 3-12. Federal policy driven, data-based research focusing on opportunity to...
Validity Framework from AERA, APA, & NCME (1999) Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller, 1998) Test Score Interaction and Boost Paradigms
Ryan Kettler
Rutgers University
Inclusive assessment is the broad collection of methods (e.g., rating scales, test modifications, accommodations) used to assess the achievement of students with special needs that impair how well...
Assessment, Academic
Assessment, Diverse Learners
Learning Disabilities
Virginia Berninger
University of Washington
Currently Virginia W. Berninger is P.I. of an NICHD interdisciplinary research grant on defining and treating specific learning disabilities affecting written language learning (dysgraphia—impaired...
Based on over 2 decades of research drawing on cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, developmental psychology, neuropsychology, instructional science, genetics, and brain imaging research, we have...
Assessment, Reading
Assessment, Writing
Intervention, Reading
Intervention, Writing
Thomas Power
University of Pennsylvania
The primary focus of my research is to develop intervention and prevention programs for children with or at risk for attention, learning, and behavior problems. Much of my research focuses on...
Our research is strongly influenced by developmental-ecological (systems) theory, social learning theory, and attachment theory.
Collaboration, Family School Community
Intervention, Social-emotional
Matthew Burns
University of Missouri-Columbia
Prevention Science
Response to Intervention
Intervention, Reading
Thomas Kubiszyn
University of Houston
My primary interest involves the implications for learning, development, and behavior of the growth of psychotropic drug use for school-age youth. More specifically I am concerned about the...
Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model (1994, 2005).Bronfenbrenner, U. & Ceci, S., J. (1994). Nature-nurture reconceptualized in developmental perspective: A bioecological model....
Professional Issues in School Psychology
Intervention, Social-emotional
Health Promotion
William Erchul
Arizona State University
North Carolina State University

Broadly defined, my major research interest is psychological consultation. Consultation within school psychology typically involves the delivery of psychoeducational services to child and adolescent...
1. Gregory Bateson's (1935; 1958) theory of schismogenesis; operationalized through relational communication verbal interaction coding systems (e.g., Heatherington & Friedlander, 1987;...
Intervention Teams
