Who We Are

We are a committee of school psychology faculty committed to the career development of early career scholars in the field. Currently, we are a committee of three:

Bryn Harris, University of Colorado Denver

Bryn Harris is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Denver. She received her MS (2005) and PhD (2008) from Indiana University. Her research interests include school-based practices affecting English language learners and bilingual school psychology services. She teaches graduate courses on the assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse children, school-based multicultural interventions, counseling, and prevention.

Amanda L. Sullivan (Chair), University of Minnesota

Amanda L. Sullivan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota. She received her MA (2006) and PhD (2009) from Arizona State University. Her research interests include education and health disparities affecting children and youth with disabilities. She teaches graduate courses on ethics and law for school psychologists, diversity, and family engagement. 

Robert J. Volpe, Northeastern University

Robert J. Volpe is an Associate Professor at Northeastern University. He received his PhD in 2003 from Lehigh University. His research interests include understanding the relationship between academic and behavior problems, behavioral assessment, and the use of technology to improve school-based assessment and intervention practices. He teaches graduate courses in psychological measurement and academic interventions. He is currently Associate Editor of School Psychology Review.

Genevieve Krebs is a third-year doctoral student at Northeastern University. Her research interests focus on designing and evaluating academic interventions. She is the graduate student representative of the Early Career Forum.

We thank the our liaisons to SSSP for their guidance and support:

Karen Stoiber, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Ed Shapiro, Lehigh University


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